Special Events
From Axel:
People love playing games. Both alone and with their friends ... cooperative, competitive or just to tell a story. And people love art. They love creativity and cherish ways to express themselves. They love to see things grow. And experiencing personal improvement can be very powerful and endearing.
During my time in the hobby of miniature-painting and tabletop role-playing games, I have come to realize time and time again that this holds true. This hobby has become a steady pillar in my life that has made the good times even more vibrant and colorful, but also carried me through the darker and more difficult ones. Until four years ago I couldn't have imagined that something as unimportant as finishing the paintjob on a new hero for my local "Warcry" campaign or the successful "great reveal" of the big bad evil guy to the players in my long running Dungeons and Dragons campaign could give me so much energy.
I think it's the combination of all these aspects that makes this hobby so worth pursuing. The calm and almost meditative quiet of painting, the brain-tackling strategic planning of your army composition, next strategic move or next level-up of your character and eventually the laughter, emotions and role-playing while rolling weird-shaped dice.
That's why I want to get other people into this hobby, too. I want to help them make their first (or second) steps into this wonderful hobby where they can then go off and explore, create, grow and enjoy on their own and in their own unique way.
Below you'll find a few ways how we've been teaching so far. Most of the workshops and events you'll find here are tailor-made and have been designed with the clients heavily involved in the process themselves. Check them out to fuel your creativity and don't hesitate to contact us if you have an idea. We're always happy to help create something to spread the love for this incredibly fulfilling hobby.

School Workshops
Teach them while the're young ;)!
Thanks to an amazing collaboration with the Minkema College in Woerden, we had the great opportunity to teach miniature painting to their students (middelbare scholieren). In a 3 hour workshop in one of their art classrooms (which, due to never-ending enthousiasm extended to almost 4 hours), we could teach them all they need to take the hobby home and continue on their painting journey with their parents and friends.
In case you're interested to have us teach at your institution, contact us and we'll be happy to help you plan and organize!
Teambuilding and Company Events
Try out something different!
Thanks to shows like Stranger Things, Community or the world-wide phenomenon Critical Role, Dungeons and Dragons (and hence Tabletop Roleplaying-Games and miniatures) aren't as nerdy as they used to be. Many people can actually relate to these things nowadays and may find a new hobby when confronted with this material.
Give miniature painting a try! Get your colleagues to try out something new and surprise them with our miniature painting workshops at your company.

DnD events & Bachelor(ette) Parties
Love Dungeons and Dragons? Let's play!
We organize paint-and-play events together with NL's largest DnD community Dutch20! Learn how to paint and immediately use your mini in a professionally hosted oneshot. Alternatively, let us host an introduction event for you and your friends into the hobby of DnD or the fine art of being a Dungeon-Master.
Bachelor(ette) anyone? Combine a Painting Workshop or a DnD event with some beers, snacks and a Bonfire in an old prison courtyard (Oude Pieter Baan Centrum, Utrecht) and you might get yourself the perfect alternative Bachelor event.
Workshops for people with Special Needs
Help us make a difference!
Miniature painting is weird. It does weird things to people. I've seen overly excited and hyperactive people sit and work in dedicated silence for hours. But I've also seen the shy and silent bloom and start chatting in excitement about new miniatures or awesome ideas for new color schemes. "I'm so glad we've found this for him" or "I've never seen her being so focused on something for so long before" are some of the most beautiful things we've heard parents say when speaking about their kids and miniature painting.
We have experience in working with people with ADHD, Autism and physical challenges (e.g. tremors) and we'd be happy to help you try out something new that might make a little positive difference in someone's life. Our location is wheelchair accessible and we have rooms that can be arranged to create a workspace with as little outside stimuli as possible.
Reach out to us to arrange a taylor-made workshop that suits your needs

Want to book an event?
Contact us directly or use the form below!
Tel: +31 6 46814604
e-mail: info@pinkorcstudios.com